806 research outputs found

    Arthroskopische Behandlung des femoroazetabulären Impingements

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    Zusammenfassung: Eine erst kürzlich etablierte, aber häufige Ätiologie der Hüftschmerzen beim jungen Erwachsenen ist das femoroazetabuläre Impingement (FAI), das eine leichte Form der frühzeitigen degenerativen Erkrankung des Hüftgelenks darstellt. Die klinischen Aspekte und diagnostischen Möglichkeiten sollen im Folgenden diskutiert und eine komplett arthroskopische Korrektur dieser Pathologie präsentiert werden. Mit dieser Technik können die azetabuläre Komponente ebenso wie die pathologischen Veränderungen am Femurkopf behandelt werden. Das schließt — falls notwendig — auch eine Labrumnaht mit ein. Neurologische Komplikationen durch lange Distraktionszeiten können durch die Anwendung einer invasiven Distraktionsmethode vermieden werden. Die Ergebnisse der arthroskopischen Behandlung sind mit denen der offenen chirurgischen Technik vergleichba

    Low Temperature Internal Friction and Dynamic Modulus for Beach Wood

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    The dynamic elastic modulus and the internal friction of beech wood beams conditioned to various equilibrium moisture contents have been measured in the temperature range from 25 C to -130 C. The response curves show a marked transition around -90 C for wood with moisture contents at or above the fibre saturation level. The transition is similar to those found for other microporous water-adsorbing materials such as hardened cement paste and porous glass. Decreasing moisture contents in the wood reduce the magnitude of the transition and shift the transition to higher temperatures. We believe the transition to be caused by a gradual solidification ("glass transition") of the adsorbed water


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    Dominance of the planktonic diatom Thalassiosira minima in recent summers in the Bahia Blanca Estuary, Argentina

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    The diatom Thalassiosira minima was first recorded in the Baha Blanca Estuary in 1992. In 19921993 it exhibited a broad seasonal occurrence. A recent survey (20062007) showed a seasonal appearance restricted mainly to summer together with a greater relative abundance within the phytoplankton. A close connection was found with warmer, more saline and highly turbid conditions experienced in recent summers in the estuary. Whether these changes will impact the estuary trophic dynamics remains an open question

    Shoulder biomechanics in normal and selected pathological conditions

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    The stability of the glenohumeral joint depends on soft tissue stabilizers, bone morphology and dynamic stabilizers such as the rotator cuff and long head of the biceps tendon. Shoulder stabilization techniques include anatomic procedures such as repair of the labrum or restoration of bone loss, but also non-anatomic options such as remplissage or tendon transfers.Rotator cuff repair should restore the cuff anatomy, reattach the rotator cable and respect the coracoacromial arch whenever possible. Tendon transfer, superior capsular reconstruction or balloon implantation have been proposed for irreparable lesions.Shoulder rehabilitation should focus on restoring balanced glenohumeral and scapular force couples in order to avoid an upward migration of the humeral head and secondary cuff impingement. The primary goal of cuff repair is to be as anatomic as possible and to create a biomechanically favourable environment for tendon healing


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